Off the screen

& into the world

Engaging, active, and inspired courses for high school students, teachers, and curious people



We created Waldorfologies with big intentions – we want to move high school education from its four walls and isolated subjects into open spaces and interdisciplinary courses that dive into contextual analysis and critical thinking. 

We believe Education is a tool for hope – for change that lifts people up, raises awareness and understanding, instills humanity and empathy into moments that are void of them, and offers the scaffolding to be courageous, inventive, and inspired.

The Process

 Research, film, edit, and publish to share with you. That’s how we do it.

How it works

Our courses are published on a platform that allows you to track your progress and save your work.

Where to start

Sign up with email and receive a free sample lesson from our first course, The History of Art and Visual Culture.

What you get

20 lectures that create a four week main lesson block filled with challenges, prompts, and engaging assignments.



History with context. Sleuth like Sherlock. Unpack like a contextualist. It’s easy to find out WHAT happened. Learn to find out why it happened, who it happened to, why it mattered, and if it’s still happening somehow, some way, that you never knew. Just a hint - it is.

This is New Art History.  We use old school formal analysis combined with real time contextual analysis.  This is where we analyze the who, what, when, where, and why of a cultural object. And this analysis leads us to even bigger questions: How does art shape the way we live and feel? Has it shaped the past? Is it shaping the present? And can it mold the future? 


Words matter. These are English courses for the adventurous. The road to being understood and heard is fraught. You might think you say what you mean and mean what you say, but do you? Craft a voice that will cut through the cacophony. Write better. Read better. Talk better. Listen better. Understand better. Nuance better.

Courses coming soon!


Real science, real experiments, real phenomena conducted and observed by you. Cool transitions and bizarre transformations in your hands, in your eyes, in your nose, and on your tongue. Touch it, see it, smell it, taste it, prove it. The reality is that the weirdest stuff in the universe requires explanation. We can help.

Courses coming soon!


The power to make stuff is within you. Imagine visual culture flowing out of your brain, through your fingertips and into the world. Learn to express those thoughts of yours in new and intriguing ways. Skill up. Experiment hard.

Courses coming soon!

Free lecture sample

Ready to learn more about Waldorfologies?
Dive into a free lecture sample and experience the engaging education
we offer students, teachers, and curious people everywhere.


Melissa Hiatt (she/her)

Pedagogical Director, Course Creator, & Faculty Recruiter

Melissa graduated from the University of California, Davis and began work as an exhibition designer for museums in California and New Mexico. This evolved into curatorial writing for art catalogs and museum books, and critical writing for magazines and newspapers.

When her family moved to Denver, they purchased a house two blocks from the Denver Waldorf School and enrolled their daughter Alex in kindergarten. Within weeks, Melissa was hired as a substitute teacher. Upon a move back to California, she immersed in Foundation Studies at Rudolf Steiner College, became a class teacher at Davis Waldorf School, then joined the Humanities faculty at Sacramento Waldorf School in 2011. She has served on the College of Teachers, as the Director of Student Activities, as the Humanities Department Chair, and as an instructor for Waldorf Teacher Training. She deeply values the role education plays in the future of the world, and seeks to be an inspired contributor every single day.

Kamilo Bustamante


Kamilo is in his late 20’s and has been lucky enough to turn his passion for photography into a professional career for the last decade. Kamilo first discovered photography while at the Sacramento Waldorf High School where Melissa Hiatt was his Humanities Teacher. Since then Kamilo has earned a BFA in photography from Brooks Institute, opened his own business, and assisted Annie Leibovitz full-time in NY. Waldorfologies is proud to partner with him for the production of our videos. You can read more about Kamilo and see his photography on his website below.

Morrie Pelivanov (she/her)

Website Designer & Coordinator

Movement, color, juxtaposition. Listening to understand. Finding original ways to make a statement. As a web designer, Morrie seeks to hold space for every story. Web design is so much more than just coding - it is the scaffolding for intention, mission, and who we choose to be to others. Morrie utilizes a toolbox of artistic inclination, human connection, and fresh ideas to build each of her websites.

As a part of the Waldorfologies team, Morrie designs and maintains this website, as well as creating a space for the fantastic educational content Waldorfologies has to offer. As a lifelong Waldorf alum, this project, and all it holds, is particularly intentional. The experiences gathered and connections made during almost 16 years at Waldorf - first at a Waldorf-inspired preschool, then on to Davis Waldorf School, and Sacramento Waldorf School - inform her work. The love of craft, beauty, and rhythm Waldorf infuses in every student is present here. Explore and enjoy!

Isabel Hiatt (she/they)

Production Assistant & Course Tester

Isabel is an alum of Davis Waldorf School and Sacramento Waldorf School. Their adventurous spirit and curious mind has led to homeschooling since her sophomore year of high school on her family’s burgeoning regenerative farm. Her passion for botany and farming is abundant and matched only by her love of animals: They are a mama to 8 chickens, 2 babydoll sheep, and one adorable goldendoodle named Oliver. Their perspective as an active, engaged student is invaluable to the success of Waldorfologies, as is her dedicated support as a production assistant, and constant tending to the long list of tasks that allow us to deliver courses to you.

Alex Hiatt (she/her)

Marketing Director & Course Developer

Alex Hiatt is a practicing artist of over a decade, Sacramento Waldorf Alum, and award winning graduate from University of Santa Cruz’s History of Art and Visual Culture program. Her research focuses on archival and primary source material in relation to the Age of Colonialism and Resistance (c. 1500-1930) in the Pacific and Western coast of the Americas. Her work continues unpacking and investigating how the influence of colonization and visual production during this era continues to make itself known and influence our contemporary world.

Alex has worked as an exhibition curator, co-creator of curriculum design, given talks as a guest speaker, and taught as a teaching assistant at UC Santa Cruz. Alongside this, her work in course building and pedagogical design in the Art History department of Cabrillo College is ongoing. As a professional with experience in many facets of the arts and historical realms, including marketing design for publications such as the Pacific Arts Association & Journal, Alex brings a holistic perspective on visual material and its impacts to our team.


Kamilo Bustamante


Kamilo is in his late 20’s and has been lucky enough to turn his passion for photography into a professional career for the last decade. Kamilo first discovered photography while at the Sacramento Waldorf High School where Melissa Hiatt was his Humanities Teacher. Since then Kamilo has earned a BFA in photography from Brooks Institute, opened his own business, and assisted Annie Leibovitz full-time in NY. Waldorfologies is proud to partner with him for the production of our videos. You can read more about Kamilo and see his photography on his website below.

Morrie Pelivanov (she/her)

Website Designer & Coordinator

Movement, color, juxtaposition. Listening to understand. Finding original ways to make a statement. As a web designer, Morrie seeks to hold space for every story. Web design is so much more than just coding - it is the scaffolding for intention, mission, and who we choose to be to others. Morrie utilizes a toolbox of artistic inclination, human connection, and fresh ideas to build each of her websites.

As a part of the Waldorfologies team, Morrie designs and maintains this website, as well as creating a space for the fantastic educational content Waldorfologies has to offer. As a lifelong Waldorf alum, this project, and all it holds, is particularly intentional. The experiences gathered and connections made during almost 16 years at Waldorf - first at a Waldorf-inspired preschool, then on to Davis Waldorf School, and Sacramento Waldorf School - inform her work. The love of craft, beauty, and rhythm Waldorf infuses in every student is present here. Explore and enjoy!

Melissa Hiatt (she/her)

Pedagogical Director, Course Creator, & Faculty Recruiter

Melissa graduated from the University of California, Davis and began work as an exhibition designer for museums in California and New Mexico. This evolved into curatorial writing for art catalogs and museum books, and critical writing for magazines and newspapers.

When her family moved to Denver, they purchased a house two blocks from the Denver Waldorf School and enrolled their daughter Alex in kindergarten. Within weeks, Melissa was hired as a substitute teacher. Upon a move back to California, she immersed in Foundation Studies at Rudolf Steiner College, became a class teacher at Davis Waldorf School, then joined the Humanities faculty at Sacramento Waldorf School in 2011. She has served on the College of Teachers, as the Director of Student Activities, as the Humanities Department Chair, and as an instructor for Waldorf Teacher Training. She deeply values the role education plays in the future of the world, and seeks to be an inspired contributor every single day.

Isabel Hiatt (she/they)

Production Assistant & Course Tester

Isabel is an alum of Davis Waldorf School and Sacramento Waldorf School. Their adventurous spirit and curious mind has led to homeschooling since her sophomore year of high school on her family’s burgeoning regenerative farm. Her passion for botany and farming is abundant and matched only by her love of animals: They are a mama to 8 chickens, 2 babydoll sheep, and one adorable goldendoodle named Oliver. Their perspective as an active, engaged student is invaluable to the success of Waldorfologies, as is her dedicated support as a production assistant, and constant tending to the long list of tasks that allow us to deliver courses to you.

Alex Hiatt (she/her)

Marketing Director & Course Developer

Alex Hiatt is a practicing artist of over a decade, Sacramento Waldorf Alum, and award winning graduate from University of Santa Cruz’s History of Art and Visual Culture program. Her research focuses on archival and primary source material in relation to the Age of Colonialism and Resistance (c. 1500-1930) in the Pacific and Western coast of the Americas. Her work continues unpacking and investigating how the influence of colonization and visual production during this era continues to make itself known and influence our contemporary world.

Alex has worked as an exhibition curator, co-creator of curriculum design, given talks as a guest speaker, and taught as a teaching assistant at UC Santa Cruz. Alongside this, her work in course building and pedagogical design in the Art History department of Cabrillo College is ongoing. As a professional with experience in many facets of the arts and historical realms, including marketing design for publications such as the Pacific Arts Association & Journal, Alex brings a holistic perspective on visual material and its impacts to our team.